when to use vitamin c serum

When to use Vitamin C Serum: Day or Night

Vitamin C serum is probably among the most demanded among other skincare serums. They are known to brighten the skin and fade out dark spots, in addition to fighting environmental stressors. Whether you are a first-timer or some hardcore skincare fanatic, at one point you probably found yourself wondering, “When to apply vitamin C serum, day or night?” Well, the time of the day does indeed make a huge difference when getting your serum all fired up and working for you. Let’s guide you through the best times when to apply your vitamin C serum for the best results.

when to use vitamin c serum

What Is Vitamin C Serum And How Does it Work?

Vitamin C is believed to be the most potent antioxidant. It counteracts free radicals developed due to reasons like UV light and pollution, which contribute to early ageing and destruction of skin. The moment the vitamin C serum goes on the skin, it drips down to the skin and lightens the skin complexion removing wrinkles and evening off the skin tone. Serum also stimulates the production of collagen. Your skin would look very elastic, and these fine lines become less noticeable. Adding a Vitamin C serum to your daily routine guarantees you an appearance with a shining glowy healthy glowy look.

Best Time When to Use Vitamin C Serum: Day or Night?

let’s come to the question, “When to use vitamin C serum, day or night?” The answer largely depends on your skin type, concerns, and daily routine. Here’s a breakdown of the benefits of using it during the day versus at night.

Using Vitamin C Serum During the Day

Most dermatologists recommend that you apply vitamin C serum in the morning. Here’s why:

  • UV Damage Protection: it does not act as a sunscreen. However but it just amplifies the protecting action of SPF. It neutralizes free radicals formed due to UV exposure, thus providing further protection for your skin against environmental stressors.
  •  Brightens Skin: Applying it in the morning will give you an instant glow that can add radiance to make your skin appear fresh and good looking for the whole day.
  • Prepares Skin for Putting On of Makeup: it is light and fast-absorbing. So, it serves to be an excellent makeup base. It provides smooth skin with an imperfection-free texture, ready for the making-up with foundation and the rest of the beauty solutions.


Applying C serum in the daytime guards the skin from the environmental stressors of the day while making it brighter.

Applying Vitamin C Serum at Night

Some apply the vitamin C serum during their nighttime care. Here is why:

Time for Repair: This will be the time when your skin is supposed to naturally repair whatever damage it gets from free radicals. Applying the it can thus stimulate collagen production and do a bit of repair on the damage caused during the day.
No UV Sensitivity: Most vitamin C serums are stable and hence safe for use throughout the day. However, the exposure to UV rays degrades some of them. Using the serums at night will mean that you won’t expose it to UV.

Using Vitamin C Serum In The Morning Or At Night

The requirement of your skin will help you decide if you should use it in the morning or at night.

You might wonder whether it’s safe to apply it in the morning as well as at night. Well, technically you can; however, depending on your skin, this may not be the best decision. For most of you, applying it once a day will suffice.However if your skin isn’t too sensitive, you can apply it twice a day for maximum benefits.

If you have sensitive skin start to use serum once a day. Best time to use is during the morning-and then gradually increase your usage in case it is well tolerated by the skin.

Things to Consider: When to Use Vitamin C Serum, Day or Night?

Critical points you need to consider when selecting whether to use your serum in the day or at night.

1. Skin Sensitivity: you should apply the the serum at night to avoid sun irritation.You’ll be able to start applying it in the morning once your skin is accustomed to the application of the serum.

2. Daytime exposure: If you spend a lot of time outdoor, you would find that application of this sunscreen at morning helps it to get the best possible defense against environmental damage. While you’re getting on with your daily activities at night, things might just be in natural sync with your skin’s repair cycle.

3. Compatible with other products: The serums does not react badly with most skincare products. Morever it is not compatible with a few active ingredients such as retinol. If you have applied retinol at night, you may use it during the morning. Conversely, if you use niacinamide in the morning, apply it at night.

4. Sun Exposure: Stable forms of the it are safe to use during the daytime. Although it can apply them at night if you are sun-sensitive. Sunscreen is a must when your product is used during the daytime.

Vitamin C Skincare Routine

For maximum benefits, follow the suggested routine:

when to use vitamin c serum

Cleanse → Start with a gentle cleanser to wash the skin off all other dirt and impurities

Toning → Use a hydrating or balancing toner to prepare the skin.

when to use vitamin c serum
when to use vitamin c serum

Vitamin C Serum → Wet your skin and apply it for better absorption

Moisturizing → either light rich moisturiser according to the type of your skin.

when to use vitamin c serum
when to apply vitamin c serum

Sunscreen (morning routine) → Always apply sunscreen during the day to avoid damage by UV.

Benefits Of Vitamin C Serum

                    Benefits                        Description
Brightens Up the SkinGets rid of dullness, enabling a brighter and glowier look
Minimizes the Sight of HyperpigmentationLightens age spots, thick patches, and pockmarks caused by excessive sun exposure by preventing melanin production
Collagen Build-up| Stimulates collagen synthesis, reversing the loss of skin elasticity and reducing fine lines.
Sun Damage ProtectionActs as a free radical scavenger, helping to prevent oxidative stress caused by UV exposure.        
Reduction of Redness| Contains anti-redness properties that help prevent flushing or inflammation, reducing irritated skin.       
Improves Quality of SkinImproves the skin surface by softening and smoothing it
Hydrates the SkinMost vitamin C serums are hygroscopic and contain moisture-trapping agents, making them effective for hydration
Inflammatory Damage of CellsProtects skin cells from damage caused by environmental factors such as toxins

Conclusion: When to use Vitamin C Serum for best results

The final consideration is whether to apply the it during the day or at night. It should largely depend on your skin type, problems, and whatever regime you already have. Applying the serum in the morning will protect the skin from any further environmental damage. Otherwise, applying it at night could be beneficial to your skin for restoring and rejuvenation purposes.
No matter when you decide to incorporate it into your routine, the word is consistency. Over time, consistent application of this antioxidant leads to healthier, brighter, and more resilient skin.

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